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Depa Billaba is a Jedi Master, part of the Jedi High Council from the Star Wars universe.



Depa was known for being thoughtful, an excellent problem solver, soft-spoken, enlightened, and spiritual, she was also protective of her comrades, like Mace Windu. However, during the first few months of the Clone Wars, Depa gradually degenerated into madness on a mission and fell into a coma.

As a Jedi, Depa was highly intelligent and wise, she was also willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of others. She also believed that the Jedi Order made a crucial error in taking military titles, believing that was not a matter of leadership, but of role and rank.

Depa had a close relationship with her apprentice, Caleb Dume. She was more strict as a teacher than he later was, although she was not overly serious, she sometimes gently teased him about his habit of asking many questions.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • The Force: Depa was very powerful and had a very strong connection to the Force.
    • Telekinesis: Depa utilized Telekinesis for combative and utilitarian purposes.
    • Telepathy: Depa utilized Telepathy to mentally communicate over small or vast distances with other individuals, especially with Caleb Dume, whom she had formed a Force-bond with.
      • Mind Trick: Depa utilized Mind Trick to control the minds of other sentient beings, with the exception of individuals with stronger minds and will.
      • Taming Beasts: Depa utilized Taming Beasts to control the minds of other animals.


  • Lightsaber Skills: Depa was extremely skilled in lightsaber combat, and a highly gifted duelist. She was one of the greatest lightsaber duelists of her time.
    • Form III: Depa was highly skilled in Soresu.
    • Form V: Depa was highly skilled in Shien/Djem So.
    • Form VII: Depa was highly skilled in Juyo/Vaapad. However, after Depa recovered from her mental breakdown in the Clone Wars; she was forbidden from using this style ever again.
    • Jar'Kai: Depa was highly skilled in Jar'Kai.
  • High-Level Intellect/Master Tactician/Leader: Depa was highly intelligent and wise; her intelligence and wisdom were surpassed only by Yoda, Palpatine, and Anakin Skywalker respectively. As a Jedi General, Depa was a highly skilled tactician and a capable leader.
  • Multilingual: Depa was capable of fluently speaking Basic, Coruscanti, Huttese, Kel Dor and Shyriiwook; she knew the trader's language of the Senex Ancient Houses.

Weapons and Equipment[]


Depa's valued weapon and possession was her green-bladed lightsaber.

  • Lightsaber: Depa had built a green-bladed lightsaber, and used it throughout her Jedi career and the entirety of the Clone Wars.